Mid Zhao 的留言
Mid Zhao 的留言
Mid Zhao 發表了回應。 3D (3 dogs)
光天化日之下,3只狗狗在大街上玩3P。 原来3P不是人类的专利啊。 www.ccfunny.com Amazing, three dogs playing 3p on street. 光天化日之下,3只狗狗在大街上玩3P。 原来3P不是人类的专利啊。 More videos and pictures at: http://funny-animal.net Please be my friend on: facebook - http://www.facebook.com/pages/funny-animalnet/315922685190401 twitter - http://twitter.com/funnyanimalnet ------------------------------
Mid Zhao 發表了回應。 露點了也要把草莓吃完,你們人類不是常說應該有職業素養嘛!相信網管不會因為我露點而刪除我的亮照吧,嘿嘿。
倉鼠吃草莓, 太可愛了 www.ccfunny.com 只顧往嘴裡塞, 下邊都露點了, 絲毫不介意
Mid Zhao 發表了回應。 這奶好,夠好幾個寶貝喝的
別去招惹餵奶的媽媽 www.ccfunny.com Mother cat was nursing her kitten. The black dog came and buggered mother cat. Finally, mother cat got upset and slapped the dog. More videos and pictures at: http://funny-animal.net Please be my friend on: facebook - http://www.facebook.com/pages/funny-animalnet/315922685190401 twitter - http://twitter.com/funnyanimalnet ------------------------------
Mid Zhao 發表了回應。 現在最流行的“社會搖”(伴著強勁的音樂節拍,配上簡單的點頭、甩手、扭腰等動作),這小身段,這舞姿秒殺一切廣場舞大媽。
鸚鵡跳舞, 這舞姿好酷啊! www.ccfunny.com Cute parrot playing on bed. Every now and then, It did some dancing like hip hop. 鹦鹉在床上玩开心了,时不常就扭两下。这是要秒杀广场舞大妈的舞姿啊。 More videos and pictures at: http://funny-animal.net Please be my friend on: facebook - http://www.facebook.com/pages/funny-animalnet/315922685190401 twitter - http://twitter.com/funnyanimalnet ------------------------------
Mid Zhao 發表了回應。 吃貨
美味誘惑, 沉睡的饞貓瞬間起床了 www.ccfunny.com The cute cat woke up immediately when its owner bring a piece of treat to its nose. More videos and pictures at: http://funny-animal.net Please be my friend on: facebook - http://www.facebook.com/pages/funny-animalnet/315922685190401 twitter - http://twitter.com/funnyanimalnet ------------------------------
Mid Zhao 發表了回應。 吱星人賣起萌來,不輸喵星人!
兩隻小倉鼠一起睡覺, 太可愛了吧! www.ccfunny.com Two little hamsters sleeping side by side. Two pink noses and four pink paws exposed to the camcorder. So sweet and adorable. 两只小仓鼠头挨着头,肩并肩地一起睡觉, 甜蜜温馨,好可爱! More videos and pictures at: http://funny-animal.net Please be my friend on: facebook - http://www.facebook.com/pages/funny-animalnet/315922685190401 twitter - http://twitter.com/funnyanimalnet ------------------------------
Mid Zhao 發表了回應。 真乖
愛泡澡的小貓咪, 好舒服哦 www.ccfunny.com Watch funny videos and pictures at: http://funny-animal.net You are invited to be my friend on: facebook - http://www.facebook.com/pages/funny-animalnet/315922685190401 twitter - http://twitter.com/funnyanimalnet ------------------------------
Mid Zhao 發表了回應。 嘿嘿,要勤學習愛勞動,才有好吃嘀。
狗狗: 坑爹呀, 為了口吃的, 讓我裝死3次! www.ccfunny.com Toughest trick ever! In order to get food, the cute dog pretends to be dead 3 times. More videos and pictures at: http://funny-animal.net Please be my friend on: facebook - http://www.facebook.com/pages/funny-animalnet/315922685190401 twitter - http://twitter.com/funnyanimalnet ------------------------------
Mid Zhao 發表了回應。 被耍的團團轉還屁顛屁顛嘀蹦躂
狗狗: 我是主人的開心果 www.ccfunny.com 我是個人見人愛,花見花開的狗狗 - “主人的開心果”. 陪伴主人打發無聊的時間是我狗生的重大事件。你看把我的主人給逗的, 笑得前仰後合嘀。
Mid Zhao 發表了回應。 總比出去找小三好。
母鸚鵡孵蛋, 公鸚鵡寂寞難耐騎玉米棒自慰 www.ccfunny.com 公鸚鵡真是沒節操啊。母鸚鵡還在坐月子,他就對著玉米棒子瘋狂AV,不得不懷疑,將來他能對老婆忠誠嗎?
Mid Zhao 發表了回應。 cute
可愛猴子吃果凍 www.ccfunny.com More videos and pictures at: http://funny-animal.net
Mid Zhao 發表了回應。 好可爱
成精了,能像人一樣坐著的貓咪,人摸貓樣嘀! www.ccfunny.com Watch funny videos and pictures at: http://funny-animal.net You are invited to be my friend on: facebook - http://www.facebook.com/funnyanimal.net twitter - http://twitter.com/funnyanimalnet ------------------------------
Mid Zhao 發表了回應。 不要笑,這是人家的生理需要,要不然,放出去搞強姦,會影響社會治安。
這鸚鵡不要節操了, 竟然對著鏡子自慰 www.ccfunny.com This parrot is ready for mating. It needs a girlfriend.
Mid Zhao 發表了回應。 Cute bye bye. LOL
聽了它說掰掰後, 笑抽了! 原來掰掰也魅力無限啊! www.ccfunny.com Watch funny videos and pictures at: http://funny-animal.net You are invited to be my friend on: facebook - http://www.facebook.com/pages/funny-animalnet/315922685190401 twitter - http://twitter.com/funnyanimalnet ------------------------------